now be a good girl!

submissive men learning a lesson in pleated skirts and panties

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It's difficult for a man to be disobedient when he's dressed as a schoolgirl, as the husbands in these stories about erotic discipline soon discover when their wives decide to take charge. You can be sure each will learn his lesson when he has to wear a pleated skirt and panties, but such emasculating attire is only the start of his shame! There's plenty of punishment in store for these feminized men, with enforced chastity adding to deliciously frustrating ordeals.

From sitting the most trying of tests to being taught what it's like to be a girl, each finds himself at the mercy of the strictest of women. Whether he must suffer the humiliation of wearing a training bra beneath his sailor top as he bends over to be spanked, or else endures a blouse bulging with breasts as he entertains his wife's friends, his schoolgirl uniform will leave no doubt about his disgrace. Featuring adult role-play, these sissy schoolgirl stories show how a man must behave when told “now be a good girl!”.

A schoolgirl's outfit is just the thing to put a man in his place, with a perilously short pleated skirt offering precious little protection even before his panties are pulled down! Having no choice but to accept the authority of their wives, the men in these stories about sissy schoolgirls find themselves disciplined in the most humiliating of ways, yet no matter how painful or shameful their punishment, it's sure to be exactly what they need. After all, playing the role of a schoolgirl provides a much needed break from the demands of being a man, something the women turned schoolmistresses and governesses fully understand when they say “now be a good girl!”.

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